Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Places have been...

Have you ever been alone in the dark
That the only thing you have with you is your thought
Time can draw out like a blade
You don't ever want to leave
And the only thing you desire is peace

Have been to places
Have seen Harvey the rabbit
The second cousin of lucas the bunny
Have been to the real world
To come back clean as a virgin's honeypot

I traveled all around the world
To see kings and Queens
Have seen priests and all sort of fine people
A figment of my imaginations
All in thin air

Yes have been places
Through the figment of my imagination
With just a single ticket,
To the library, to be the PLACES HAVE BEEN.

                                        - onemellowhijabi

Saturday, 19 March 2016


The sun makes the heat
But the earth bears the burden,
The eyes fall, the legs fall too, bruise-less
It is the eyes that fall in love
But the heart bears the burden

The eyes makes the tears
But really it is the soul that cries
Heart bleeds, blood-less
Body fails, broken, worth-less
Soul, heart, body why bear the burden

If only each can take its burden
No division of pain
Let the eyes carry it's own pains
Then soul, heart and body can be saved
But ONLY IF...
Only if each can.

                                             - onemellowhijabi

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Too close to be far.

I was so far from you
Yet to you i was always so close
We had met, only to part too soon
Time Ticking away
Then I was but close, and you were too far

Time closing the gap, distance inevitable reality
A reality you felt
Lost in your thought an empty space
Slowly to gain strength to fill it up
A time to heal a bleeding soul
Then you are close to me, I are but far

Miles away, minds distances
As though we were to be
We were close little did you know
Little did we know, our time Yet to come

You always thought, too far to be close
Yet not our time to be
But now it is here, the time has come

                                           - onemellowhijabi.